WPs - Deliverables & Milestones

Hi-Prix Workplan

START: 1 January 2023 

END: 31 December 2025

DURATION: 36 months

Workplan description

HI-PRIX work plan is organized into 10 work packages. WPs from 1 to 8 are scientific WPs

Mapping of payment and pricing schemes for health innovation in the EU: implementation, barriers and enablers


  • D 1.1 Stakeholders judgement on barriers and enablers of novel payment/pricing schemes
  • D 1.2 Policy recommendations about successful and flexible implementation of the different schemes to promote access to high-quality affordable innovative health technologies


  • M 1.1 “Pay for innovation Observatory” – an online catalogue of pricing and payment schemes for health innovation 
  • M 1.2 Within-country performance of novel payment/pricing schemes: costs and benefits of implementation 

Role of Public Contributions to the Development of Health Innovations and its Integration in Value Assessment and Pricing / Reimbursement Decisions


  • D 2.1 Guidance (Handbook) on estimations (ranges) of cost elements along the value chain for demanding detailed information in price negotiations
  • D 2.2 Set of recommendations for using the public investment in the negotiation/HTA process and pilot example how price can be different if public investment is considered


  • M 2.1 Conceptual frameworks with recommendations on public interventions aimed at fostering efficient health innovation at a fair cost for society 

Widening the scope of economic evaluations for pricing and reimbursement decisions: the role of indirect medical cost and environmental impact


  • D 3.1 Equity implications of including indirect medical costs and environmental impacts in economic evaluations informing pricing and reimbursement
  • D 3.2 Policy guide on the role of cost-effectiveness and budget impact analyses (including indirect medical costs and environmental impacts) in pricing and reimbursement decisions in different European decision contexts


  • M 3.1 Literature review of role of cost-effectiveness and budget impact in pricing and reimbursement decisions and the role of indirect medical costs therein 
  • M 3.2 Literature review on the approaches and consequences of including environmental impacts in pricing and reimbursement based on economic evaluations 
  • M 3.3 European tool for estimating and including indirect medical costs and environmental impacts in economic evaluation, freely available, including manual 
  • M 3.4 Impact of including indirect medical costs and environmental impacts in economic evaluations and budget impact analysis and potential implications for pricing and reimbursement using two case studies

    Download PDF here

    Milestone 4 WP3
    Milestone 5 WP3

Pricing dynamics throughout the lifecycle of pharmaceutical products


  • D 4.1 A novel dynamic pricing model that links to clinical benefit: impact and acceptability for stakeholders
  • D 4.2 Recommendations on pricing principles for multi-indication products and conditions for their successful implementation 


  • M 4.1 Do prices evolve in response of new clinical evidence generated post-launch? Real-world examples from oncology drugs authorized via accelerated review 
  • M 4.2 Price discrimination with multi-indication products: underpinning economic theory and empirical evidence 

    Download PDF here:
    Milestone 9 WP4

Novel payment schemes and methods and planning for purchasing and delivering services that incorporate novel technologies or products


  • D 5.1 Impact of applying the new payment schemes to (a) a primary care and (b) an integrated care setting
  • D 5.2 Assessment of transferability and generalizability of results and development of a toolkit for decision-makers


  • M 5.1 Key components in payment schemes for health care innovations included in health system provision 

    Download PDF here:

    Milestone 10 WP5

Impact of innovative payment schemes on longterm competition in health technology markets, in particular the pharmaceutical market


  • D 6.1 Report on contextualization of simulation results and synthesis of findings with regard to the current use and the regulatory measures, levers and barriers to the widespread practical implementation of the respective payment schemes and their impact on long-term competition in health technology markets


  • M 6.1 Results of simulation on thew impact of various payment chemes on cost differences for both, manufactures and society, specifically focusing on different sources of uncertainty

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Milestone 11 WP6

Incentives for pharmaceutical innovation and equitable access to innovation


  • D 7.1 Effectiveness and equity implications of selected pharmaceutical innovation policies and incentive mechanisms
  • D 7.2 Strength of incentive mechanisms and policy recommendations to incentivize pharmaceutical innovation in key areas of need


  • M 7.1 Database with detailed mapping of policies and incentive mechanism to foster pharmaceutical innovation and access to innovation

Equity-Issues Mitigation Strategies in Innovation Pricing and Payment Models

  • D 8.1 Outline of the equity-issues mitigation strategies identified, and related potential obstacles
  • D 8.2 Report on the overall performance of a selection of equity-issues mitigation strategies and recommendations

Dissemination and communication


  • D 9.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan
  • D 9.2 Data Management Plan
  • D 9.3 Updated DPM
  • D 9.4 Launch of Project Website 


  • M 9.1 HI-PRIX Final conference 

Coordination and project management


  • D 10.2 Project management book


  • M 10.1 HI - PRIX Yearly Consortium meetings