Main objectives

The HI-PRIX project aims at accelerating access to high-quality, affordable health innovation by fostering the adoption of new pricing and payment models fit to address the challenges posed by high-priced health technologies, in an effort to ultimately balance sustainability of health innovation with sustainability of healthcare systems.

obj 1
Objective 1

to extensively map and formulate new pricing and payment schemes that can be used across technology classes, therapeutic areas, setting and healthcare systems/geographies together with a related set of principles that may guide successful adjustment and flexible implementation to the particular context of use

obj 2
Objective 2

to investigate the impact on competitiveness, innovation, equity and affordability of a pipeline of contracting modalities for health innovations to move from regulatory approval through value assessment to adoption

obj 3
Objective 3

to address the challenges and concerns of payer, manufacturer, healthcare professional, and patient perspectives regarding different models of pricing by sustaining an effective dialogue across stakeholders’ groups about the trade-offs between affordability, innovation and patient access.