ISPOR Europe Conference

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Copenhagen, Denmark

From the 12th to the 15th of November 2023, Vittoria Ardito, researcher at the Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management (CERGAS) of SDA Bocconi, presented two posters at the ISPOR Europe Conference held in Copenhagen. The first one (EE451), titled 'Methods to Measure Technologies and to Include Them in Economic Evaluations,’ and co-authored with Helen Banks, Niccolò Cusumano, and Rosanna Tarricone, was based on the results from WP3 (Widening the scope of economic evaluations for pricing and reimbursement decisions: the role of indirect medical cost and environmental impact). The second poster (HPR120), titled 'Investigating the Nature and Scope of Innovation Payment and Pricing Schemes for Health Technologies,’ and co-authored with Ludovico Cavallaro, Michael Drummond, and Oriana Ciani, was based on the results from WP1 (Mapping of payment and pricing schemes for health innovation in the EU: implementation, barriers, and enablers).

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